The card game that laughs at the Left’s expense.
Take a deep dive into the depraved mind of a looney progressive.

How to Play
Play the funniest or most outrageous cards to build Left Wing Will’s story. Will Will be red pilled in the end? Play the game and find out!
Disclaimer 1
Do not play this game in front of or with your progressive and liberal friends. We expect their tiny little brains might explode.
Disclaimer 2
If you choose to ignore Disclaimer 1, we encourage you to record their prolific meltdown, post it to social media, and tag us with vigor.

Disclaimer 3
Do not stress too much if your cards contradict themselves. The Left contradicts themselves all the time and no one seems to call them out on it.
Disclaimer 4
If you come across a topic you aren't familiar with, no worries, just play the card you find the funniest! Or feel free to ask someone at the table or look it up.